Many of you are social media managers who manage multiple Instagram accounts on Heropost. Therefore, it’s up to you to communicate with your clients about how they should safely use their Instagram accounts.
Why accounts get temporarily blocked
Here’s how Heropost works – we automate a username’s actions to interact with other accounts. However, if that username is simultaneously doing manual actions on the Instagram app or website, it can trigger a warning to Instagram. Obviously, if someone is logged in from 3 different places at the same time, something is amiss, right?
It’s easy for individual users of Heropost
It’s easy when an individual uses Heropost because we simply communicate with them that they should not do manual actions while Heropost is running and that they also should not use other 3rd party automation tools.
It’s a bit more complex as a social media agency
But, it gets a little more complicated for social media agencies. Social media agencies contract with clients to manage their accounts. As we understand, you may not tell your clients you’re using automation on their accounts. So, how can you communicate with them not to use 3rd party automation tools, or do manual actions without letting the cat out of the bag?
Use this one-pager for your clients
In order to help you communicate with your clients, we’ve created a handy guide for you to send to your clients.
We hope that this is helpful for you to better communicate with your clients on how to safely manage their accounts.
If you have any questions, or need anything else, please let us know. We’re always here for you!