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In this article, we’ll show you all the different types of Facebook ad formats to try out today. We will share industry tips and information regarding Facebook Ad Formats.

In a Nutshell, The Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats We Will Highlight Are:

  1. Image ads
  2. Carousel Ads
  3. Slideshow ads
  4. Video ads
  5. Collection ads
  6. Stories Ads
  7. Messenger ads
  8. Playable Ads
  9. Instant Experience ads
  10. Lead Ads

Image Ads

Image: Facebook

Facebook Business states that “We recommend using images of your product or brand.” Image ads are simple to make and effective. Creating an image ad is quick because remember you can boost an existing post with an image from your Facebook Page. Importantly a successful Facebook image ad consists of one image coupled with a call to action, and usually a link. We believe that out of all the Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today, image ads are key and where you should start your ad journey. Out of all the Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today, we believe these ads give you a great return.


Facebook favours the 1080 x 1080 square image. So do we. We experienced on, both and found out that the Square 1080 x 1080. Why? as stated by Wordstream “That square image takes up a lot more real estate on a mobile user’s screen.” Which is probably why we converted well on that ad size. Remember more people use Facebook on their phones.

Image ads are great because they have the effect to drive people to your website and increase product awareness. What we noticed and got told by our social media clients is that to be very effective, you need to use minimal amounts of text so that people can easily engage with the ad. Use quality images to showcase your product.

Image Feed Specs

  1. Uploaded image as a JPG or PNG file with an image ratio of 9:16 or 16:9.
  2. Max text: 25 characters
  3. Headline: 125 characters
  4. Recommended image resolution: 1,080 x 1,080 px (476 x 249 px minimum)
  5. Max link description: 30 characters
  6. Images no more than 20% text

Carousel Ads

Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today

Image: Facebook

Facebook Business states that Carousel ads showcase up to 10 images or videos in a single ad, each with its own link.

You can use a combination of videos and images in the carousel, its similar to that of Instagram carousel posts. The beauty of carousel posts is that when you link each image to a different product on your product page you can experience a higher rate of engagement coupled with sales.


Carousel ads are perfect if you have various colours, sizes and other key details you want to highlight. We like carousel ads because they can increase store traffic. For example, look at how fun the carousel ad below is.

Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today

Image: Facebook

You can see that this ad format is highly engaging because you want to follow this woman through all the products. Wordstream states that, For e-commerce advertisers, the ability to show dynamic catalogue ads via the carousel format can be extremely effective. Which is true because most retailers on Facebook have adopted this approach.

We also like carousel ads because as an app we also can use them to show an installation process or a how to video carousel which is usually beneficially and well engaged.

From our point of view out of all the Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today, Carousels are a must-try because we managed to be effective with this format.

Carousel Feed Image Specs

  • Minimum 2 cards and max of 10 cards per Carousel Ad
  • Minimum image size: 600 x 600
  • Recommended image Resolution: 1080 x 1080. No maximum size restrictions
  • Images no more than 20% text
  • Image file types: .jpg or .png
  • Text Max: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters (any more will appear truncated)
  • Link Description: 20 characters (optional on Instant Articles, excluding Right Column, Messenger Inbox))

Carousel Feed Video Specs

  • Recommended resolution (Facebook Carousel video): 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Minimum 2 cards and max of 10 cards per Carousel Ad
  • All video formats should be either: MP4 or.MOV
  • Max video size: 4GB per video
  • Max video length: 240 minutes per card in a carousel (excluding Messenger Inbox)
  • Video thumbnail image no more than 20% text
  • Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters (any more will appear truncated)
  • Link Description: 20 characters (optional on Instant Articles)

Slideshow Ads

Image: Facebook

Slideshow ad type allows you to create a looping video advert with up to 10 images. The slideshow ad format works exceptionally great if you’re showing different angles of the same product.


Try using the Slideshow ad to showcase numerous products or features within one ad. Wordstream states that the slideshow ad itself essentially becomes a gif that you can quickly assemble with the static images that you have at hand.

Remember, since we live in a global village, Slideshow ads are key because not everyone in the world has fast internet. Why is that important? Slideshow ads use less bandwidth, so they load well even for people on slow internet connections. This can help you switch up your ad strategy if you’re planning to advertise in countries with bad internet.

Remember to focus on your first image (the image displayed before the play button is clicked); it has to capture the user’s attention immediately. We can’t stress how important this is.

Slideshow Images Specs:

  1. Resolution prefered: 1,280 x 720 pixels
  2. Image Ratio: 9:16 to 16:9
  3. Other Recommendations: Choose images with a consistent ratio. Using different sizes will lead to cropping.
  4. Text: 125 characters
  5. Headline: 25 characters
  6. Link Description: 30 character

Slideshow Videos Specs:

  1. File type: MOV or MP4
  2. Duration: Up to 15 seconds
  3. Text: 125 characters
  4. Headline: 25 characters
  5. Link Description: 30 character

Video Ads

Image: Facebook

Video ads are always great to implement. In 2020 video ads outperform image ads because consumer tastes have changed. It’s the same on Instagram. Video ads allow you to showcase your brand with sound and motion which psychologically the human brain prefers.


Try to keep your videos short as attention span lessens per second. If its a longer video try to make it as interesting and visually appealing yet informative as possible. Usually, if you’re describing a product then this a great choice. We recommend using the services of a talented video pro for this.

Always, always make sure that the first 3 seconds pop. These are the most important seconds of the video. Just research how many videos you have watched and those that you have skipped. Notice that the skipped ones may have had a weak opener. Just research for yourself.

Another great tip, Gifs can also be videos. Just make sure they are quality. Also, Gifs are well received in the marketing world.

Feed Video ads Specs:

  1. Upload the highest-resolution source video available without letter or pillar boxing .
  2. Best resolution 1080 x 1920 pixels
  3. Minimum resolution 600 x 315 (1.9:1 landscape) or 600 x 600 (square)
  4. Recommended aspect ratio is between 9:16 to 16:9 (Horizontal: 16:9, Square: 1:1, Vertical: 4:5 or 2:3 and Full Portrait: 9:16)
  5. Formats recommended .MP4 or .MOV
  6. Max video file size: 4GB
  7. Max video length: 240 minutes
  8. Headline: 25 characters (any more will appear truncated)
  9. Link Description: 30 characters
  10. Thumbnail image no more than 20% text
  11. Video captions and sound: optional but recommended (TIP)

Collection Ads

Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today

Image: Facebook

Tinuiti states that Collection ads compile several product images within a cover image or video to allow users to discover products in a visually immersive way. Collection ads work very well for products. What we have grasped about this ad format is that users can easily browse products from your catalogue in the video, slideshow, and image formats.


If you’re in e-commerce this one is for you. These ads help in driving in-store traffic. Collection Ads are not just selling a product; they are selling your store. Choose your featured products wisely, understand that these are the products that are going to showcase your brand in a way.

We would state that running targeted, niche ads that strongly appeal to a single audience is always better to get your ad across. However, this point can also be said for the other ad formats.

Collection Ad image Specs:

  • Image file types: .jpg or .png
  • Minimum image size: 600 x 600
  • Maximum image file size: 30MB
  • Images no more than 20% text
  • Text max: 90 characters
  • Headline: 25 characters (any more will appear truncated)

Collections Ads videos Specs:

  • Recommended resolution: 1200×628
  • Video formats:MP4 or .MOV recommended
  • Max video file size: 4GB
  • Recommended video length: less than 2 minutes
  • Max video length: 120 minutes
  • Video thumbnail image no more than 20% text
  • Text: 90 characters
  • Headline: 25 characters (any more will appear truncated)

Stories Ads

Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today

Image: Facebook

Stories ads are a full-screen vertical video format. The beauty of these ads is that viewers do not need to turn the screen. It’s irritating when you have to turn your screen and actually it disrupts engagement and the ad experience when you have to rotate your phone. So these ads do away with that rotating effect and just are vertical. Out of all the Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today, Strory ads are a quick and genius way to vary your ad content.


Successful story ads are short and simple. Marketing experts state that you should add a short copy to convey your message smoother and effectively. Do not clash up colours as this usually confuses the viewer. You want your message to be understood within a second.

Look at the example above, Oculus has used a smart short copy and a background geared for you to engage and understand.

Having sound in stories all depends on your ad. Interestingly 95% of the video views take place without sound. Which is something to consider because most of these ads are being viewed on mobile phones in public so maybe you may forego the sound. However, it all depends on what you are trying to capture. Usually, we just add subtitles.

Always include A Call to Action in your  Facebook Story Ad. A Call to Action can move your viewer to the desired action, increasing your conversion.

You should be aware that Facebook does not publish certain ads that contain more than 20% text. We have had issues with this, therefore, this TIP IS IMPORTANT TO ALL AD FORMATS.

Story Image ads Specs:

  1. File type: .jpg or .png
  2. File size: 30MB max
  3. Minimum image resolution: Highest resolution available
  4. The recommended resolution is 1080 x 1920 pixels, but you can go as low as 600 x 1067
  5. No more than 20% text

Story Video ads Specs:

  1. File type: .mp4 or .mov
  2. File size: 4GB max
  3. Recommended resolution is 1080 x 1920 pixels, but you can go as low as 600 x 1067
  4. No more than 20% text
  5. Max video length: 15 seconds
  6. Thumbnail: Less than 20% text

Messenger Ads

Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today

Image: Facebook


Messenger ads also great to consider as part of your existing marketing strategy.

They come in three main categories: Messenger Ads, Sponsored Messages and Click-to-Messenger ads.

Messenger Ads

Basically, with these ads, you can send people advertisements right into their Facebook Messenger account. These ads will appear directly in the Messenger home screen.

Click-to-Messenger ads

What we understand by these ads is that they appear in the regular Facebook News Feed or on Instagram. However, unlike a typical News Feed ad, a CTA that reads “Send Message” is displayed and will open a Messenger chat with your brand once clicked. Chatfuel states that when a user clicks the ad, they’ll be redirected from the Facebook or Instagram app to the Messenger app. They’ll be brought directly to a conversation with your brand, which your bot will immediately initiate.

Chatfuel gives us a great example of this.

Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today

Sponsored Messages

Sponsored messages enable you to deliver a message directly to anyone that you have an existing conversation within Messenger. It will display as a private message to users, however. you can only target individuals who have messaged your brand before. It is key because what it essentially does is it enables you to message a customer directly about a new product or limited-time offer.


Instant lead capture is the game here. Marketers that have used these ads explain that you should Incorporate emojis and GIFs into the messages. What this does is that it encourages users to interact creating a more personal feel to it. It’s personal yet salesy in a way.

You may use a bot like Mobile Monkey in this regard. Check out their awesome article of using their app to convert sales through these ads. Mobile Monkey.

Another important note to state is that The post-click ad experience is optimized for mobile and happens in chat, where customers would rather connect with businesses.

Sponsored Messages Specs:

  1. Headline Max: 25 characters
  2. Text Max: 125 characters
  3. Recommended image resolution: 1,200 x 628 px (254 x 133 px minimum)
  4. Link description max: 30 characters
  5. Recommended image formats: JPG and PNG

Messenger ad size and Specs:

  1. Recommended image formats: JPG and PNG
  2. Format: single-image ad
  3. Recommended image resolution for collapsed ad: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  4. Recommended image size for expanded ad: 1200 x 628 pixels
  5. Text Limit: 125 characters
  6. Headline max limit: 25 characters
  7. Link description max: 30 characters

Playable Ads

Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today

Image: Facebook

The playable ad format is a niche ad format that the gaming industry usually uses. This ad format is done in such a way as to advance viewers in the newsfeed or stories to interact. Facebook Playable Ads let advertisers give Facebook users an interactive preview of apps before downloading.

The beauty of these ads is that Facebook only shows playable mobile ads to prospects who can instantly download the app onto their mobile device. This means that you can get real feedback from such users if your app was a hit or a miss or what it lacks.

A great point stated by marketing psychologists is that the fact that Facebook Playable Ads offer users a try-before-you-buy experience usually leads to real installs and purchases.


Instapage states that you must “Show a high-quality preview or a short tutorial of your app or game to grab users’ attention immediately.”

Since this ad format is geared more to gaming or apps, you, therefore, need easy to follow instructions at the very beginning of the preview. Instructions are crucial for apps and the easier to follow the better.

Don’t forget your Call-to-action. After the short the demo, a CTA encourages users to click through to install the app from the App Store or Google Play Store. This point is very important and customary.

We would recommend that you must try and make it as easy as possible to engage with. Think about your grandma trying to follow the instructions.

The Homescapes game below does just that.

Video: Facebook

Playable Ad Specs:

Specifications Here.

Instant Experience Ads

Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out TodayImage: Facebook

Wordstream states that Instant experience ads (formerly known as canvas ads) provide a full-screen, mobile-optimized experience instantly from your ad. For each ad, you can use up to 20 images or videos.

Instant Experience ads are built for mobile. What this means is that your audience can stay engaged on the go. More importantly, they load almost instantly.

Facebook Instant Experience includes five easy-to-use templates you can choose from.

  1. Storefront
  2. Storytelling
  3. Lookbook
  4. Instant form
  5. Customer acquisition

Below are the 5 templates with examples.

Instant Storefront

Video: Facebook

The instant storefront as you can see above is a great Facebook ad to try for eCommerce companies that sell physical products. If you want to showcase a new collection of products around a certain theme then this is for you.

Instant storytelling

Video: Facebook

Basically, you are just telling your own brand story with this format.

Instant lookbook


Video: Facebook

Madmartech states that lookbooks are designed to inspire your audience with lifestyle images and prompt user interaction through product tagging feature. Product launches love this ad type. Madmartech states that due to product tagging, you also have so much data to learn more about your customers and provide them with exactly what they need.

Instant form

Video: Facebook

Ideal for lead generation. Users submit information straight through the ad. Users do not need to leave the platform (which often causes users to abandon ad), especially with slow landing page speed. We have all abandoned or become irritated at slow landing pages that we just move on and forget purchasing the good. What we love about this feature is that with Instant Forms the form will be automatically filled out with as much information Facebook has about the user. Ecommerce experts have stated that this is great for conversion.

Instant customer acquisition

Video: Facebook

With this feature, advertisers can set up ads that function as landing pages. What we understand about this feature is that this ad format functions as a mini post-click landing page with a clear CTA.

Madmartech once again aids our article by stating “this ad template ONLY works well with a clear end-goal, i.e, you need to know what action you are expecting from your user. Do you want them to sign up for a newsletter? Or would you like them to buy your event tickets? How about selling an online course?”


Use short video at the start of the ad as this will help draw people in. You want to encourage scrolling instead of clicking away.

Please please use the templates provided. Facebook has done a good job on them. Also, WebFx states that Instant Forms is a great option to pair with Instant Customer Acquisition, so maybe check that out.

Remember instant experience loads faster than mobile sites, people watch longer and convert users with the app, therefore, you need to have eye-catching videos, scroll stoppers. As you know Ads are only as good as their designer.

Like most designs, it recommended that you focus on focus on a single message or a goal. Don’t add unnecessary information or distracting images for that matter because you want to keep your viewers immersed.

Make sure your CTA is as clear as day. Ensure that at any point in the ad when they feel ready, they can convert because this is the main reason for advertising.

In our opinion, it seems that Facebook Instant Experiences are definitely not the best option for people starting out with Facebook ads. When we look at the Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today, we can clearly state that these ads are somewhat more complicated. We emailed seasoned e-commerce veterans and they agreed that these ads are good but it would be better to start off with some other formats then make your way to the experience ads.

Instant Experience Video specs:

  1. Recommended Resolution: Highest resolution video possible that meets file size and ratio limits.
  2. Ratio: 9:16 to 16:9
  3. Video File Size: 4GB Max
  4. Text: 125 characters
  5. Min Video Length: 1 second
  6. Max Video Length: 240 Minutes
  7. Video Captions: Optional but recommended
  8. Sound in Video: Optional but recommended
  9. Thumbnail: Not more than 20% text.

Instant Experience Image specs:

  1. Recommended File type: jpg or png
  2. Recommended resolution: 1,200 x 628pixels
  3. Image ratio: 9:16 to 16:9
  4. Resolution: Upload the highest resolution image available.
  5. Not more than 20% text.
  6. Text Max: 125 characters
  7. Minimum Image Width in Pixels: 600
  8. Minimum Image Height in Pixels: 600

Lead Ads

Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today

Image: Facebook

Lead ads are specifically for mobile-only. What we understand about these ads is that they aid in getting real information such as phone numbers and addresses so that this information can be used to market or remarket your products. The beauty of these ads is that they open right within the Facebook app, therefore, meaning no need for diverting to the website. It is clean, easy and hassle-free.


Always provide a brief introduction to explain why people should fill out your form.

We believe in keeping the forms short as you don’t want to waste your potential customers time.

When running lead ads, you’ll have to link to your privacy policy to collect consent in real-time.

Lead ads are great to incorporate into your strategy because they can be a great information gatherer.

Lead Ads Specs Images:

  1. File type: JPG or PNG
  2. Image size: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels
  3. Image ratio: 1:1
  4. Text: 125 characters
  5. Headline: 25 characters
  6. Link description: 30 characters

Lead Ads Specs Videos:

  1. Format: MP4 or MOV
  2. Length: up to 15 seconds
  3. Aspect ratio: vertical (4:5)
  4. Text: 125 characters
  5. Headline: 25 characters
  6. Video: H.264 video compression, high profile preferred, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan

The Take-Away

These are the Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today.

Facebook ads are important if you’re looking to increase awareness coupled with sales. Facebook remains one of, if not the most important platforms where businesses can launch off their marketing strategies successfully. We recommend using one of the above Facebook ads in your marketing strategy.

We hope we helped in showcasing Different Types Of Facebook Ad Formats To Try Out Today.




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