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 These are the 12 Pinterest Statistics Every Social Media Manager Should Know. Even though it may not be as popular as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, Pinterest seems to be fighting back and illustrating why it is Social Media royalty. 

We’ve compiled impressive Pinterest Statistics that illustrate why Pinterest is indeed royalty and in a nutshell, these are ……drumroll, please………:

  • Pinterest has 322 Million, Monthly Active Users
  • Women Use Pinterest more Compared to Men
  • 18-24 Year-Olds are the Largest Users of Pinterest 
  • High Income U.S. Adults use Pinterest more than Than Low or Medium Income adults
  • Pinterest users actively research purchases
  • People on Pinterest are More than Twice as Likely to Say Pinterest Ads Feel More Personalized to Them Than on Other Platforms
  • 85% of Pinterest’s Users Access it With Their Mobile Devices
  • Advertising on Pinterest, on average, earns a gross return of $4.3 on every $1 spent.
  • Pins have lives in months, much longer than the posts on other social media platforms.
  • Pinterest drives 33% more traffic to shopping sites than Facebook.
  • Nine out of 10 Pinners describe Pinterest as filled with positivity
  • Pinterest’s users spend an average of 14.2 minutes

1. Pinterest has 322 Million, Monthly Active Users 

Pinterest currently has 322 million monthly active users and gained around 51 million international monthly users. That amount should leave any marketer salivating. However this number may pale in comparison with that of social media giant Facebook (which has 2.7 billion monthly active users), nevertheless, Pinterest seems to be holding up rather fine.

Pinterest user growth was attributed by. personalizing Pinners’ experience on the platform through improving search recommendations and boosting its video content and shoppable products. This means that Pinterest has the potential for business to grow. We recommend using Heropost, for your marketing and analysis.

2. Women Use Pinterest more Compared to Men

Pinterest has always owned its appeal to women. Females appear to be much more active than males on Pinterest. 71% of global Pinterest users are female, according to Statista. Pinterest Business states that in the US, Pinterest reaches 83% of women ages 25-54. That same group makes 80% of the buying decisions in US households and they are harnessing the power of Pinterest to visualize their future.

Importantly 85% of women on Pinterest use it to plan life moments, compared to 44% for Instagram and 53% for Facebook. 43% plan on getting their ideal home within the next five years. 58% say it helps them make shopping and purchasing decisions. 70% use Pinterest to find accessories, watches and jewellery. 52% of Pinterest users spent $500 or more on beauty products within six months. This stat is important because it allows you to understand that women have the power on this app so your marketing campaign must align with their needs.

In terms of men, only 40% of them are new signups whilst women are 70%. These figures are impressive and if you use Heropost you can effectively plan your social media strategy to drive sales according to your audience. 

3. 18-24 Year-Olds are the Largest Users of Pinterest 

The breakdown is as follows Pinterest states that 

  • 38% of 18–24-year-olds use Pinterest
  • 28% of 25–30-year-olds use Pinterest
  • 35% of 30–49-year-olds use Pinterest
  • 27% of 50–64-year-olds use Pinterest
  • 15% of 65+-year-olds use Pinterest

The platform appears to be particularly popular among millennials as Pinterest stats show half of all millennials as Pinterest users. Furthermore, Millennials use Pinterest as much as Instagram meaning that it is beneficial to launch campaigns on both Pinterest and Instagram. 

4. High Income U.S. Adults use Pinterest more than Than Low or Medium Income adults

Pew Research also looked at the relative income levels of. Pinterest income demographics and found that:

  • 18% of those making less than $30k use Pinterest
  • 27% of those making $30k–74,999 use Pinterest
  • 41% of those making more than $75k use Pinterest

Pinterest Business further states that 40% of Pinners Have a Household Income of $100k+. More importantly, 87% of Pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest. This factor alone further establishes that Pinterest has great potential for businesses.

5. Pinterest users actively research purchases

Marketers need to acknowledge that Pinterest is integral to their marketing campaigns because the following stats are impressive:

  • 84% of Pinterest’s users admit to using Pinterest when they’re trying to decide what to buy.
  • 98% of Pinterest’s Users Tried Something New They Found on Pinterest
  • 77% of Pinterest’s Users Have Found a New Brand or Product on the platform

 Retail Brands Can See 2x Higher Returns on Pinterest Than on Other Digital Channels

****47% of Pinners log onto the site specifically to shop, making it nearly four times more effective at generating sales than other social platforms.***** I had to asterisk this very important note because you need to understand that Pinterest is key.

The fact that Pinterest rolled out Shop the Look ads, allowing advertisers to tag up to 25 items in an image, and added a “Shop” tab to business profiles that enables people to shop items directly from a business’s profile has made Pinterest become royalty.

6. People on Pinterest Say Pinterest Ads Feel More Personalized to Them Than on          Other Platforms

Importantly 78% of users say content from brands is useful, including ads. To fully take advantage of this point, we at Heropost believe you should combine Pinterest analytics and Heropost to determine exactly what your audiences are responding to but only after you have made the relevant content.

7. 85% of Pinterest’s Users Access it With Their Mobile Devices

Mobile access means ease of access. 85% of Pinterest users prefer reaching the platform via their smartphones, therefore, create content optimized for mobile, material clear and easy to read for smaller screens and stick with high-quality images, especially the ratio mechanics of Pinterest 

To answer the mobile device need, in 2019,  Pinterest introduced Mobile Ad Tools, a feature that lets marketers and businesses create and manage Pinterest campaigns right from their phones.

8. Advertising on Pinterest, on average, earns a gross return of $4.3 on every $1 spent

Analytic Partners stated that Pinterest statistics show that it delivers a more efficient and effective ROI than other types of media as it shows a $2 in profit for every $1 spent on advertising. Advertisers can increase their Pinterest spend to 5% of their total marketing budget while maintaining ROI. This means that there is an opportunity for marketers to scale their spend and drive a proportionally larger business outcome.

9. Pins have lives in months, much longer than the posts on other social media platforms

Out of the 12 Pinterest Statistics Every Social Media Manager Should Know, we really love this one. Marketing expert Jeff Bullas stated that “ The average useful lifespan of tweets on Twitter is measured in minutes while posts on Facebook have their useful existence for a few hours. In contrast, an average pin on Pinterest can come up in searches months after it was originally posted.” This is important because you’re getting more bang for your buck so as to speak. 

Pinterest’s content lasts 110 days, compared to YouTube’s 20 days, Instagram’s 2 days, Facebook’s five hours, and Twitter’s 17 minutes.

10. Pinterest drives 33% more traffic to shopping sites than Facebook

Marketing expert Jeff Bullas explains that, If you take into account the relative number of active users, Pinterest ranks at the top when it comes to getting its users to visit shopping sites. The traffic it drives to these sites is not just 33% higher than Facebook but an incredible 200% higher than Twitter.  This stat alone should begin to make you wonder if you’re implementing the right marketing strategy for your business.

Furthermore, Forbes avers that Pinterest drives 25% of all retail website referral traffic.

11. Nine out of 10 Pinners describe Pinterest as filled with positivity

Pinterest’s co-founder said the platform may be “the last positive corner of the internet.Pinterest stated that 90% of users agree that Pinterest is “filled with positivity”. This is good for business because there is no need for a social media detox on Pinterest, unlike Facebook and Instagram. Your customers will remain engaged.

12. Pinterest users spend an average of 14.2 minutes

That is relatively short compared to other social networks such as:

Facebook (58.5 minutes)

Instagram (53 minutes),

Snapchat (49.5 minutes)

YouTube (40 minutes).

What you need to understand about this stat is that users on Pinterest are using this time for important issues. Think about how many times you have been on Instagram and have gone down some wormhole or ending up searching for things that aren’t useful.

We hope we did justice on the 12 Pinterest Statistics Every Social Media Manager Should Know. These Pinterest stats we’ve highlighted, establish that one can not simply ignore the potential of Pinterest. Its ability to connect and reach millions of users across the world is key. Furthermore, your competitors are already using this app so this should send alarm bells ringing. 

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