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The Twittersphere is extremely fast-paced than most social media platforms. We have laid out 8 Simple Twitter Tricks and Tips To Try Out Today. These tips will aid you with the pace that is twitter.

Let us begin.

1.  Always Pin Important Tweets at the Top of Your Profile.

Why you should do this?

The lifespan of a tweet is extremely fast as you know. When you pin a tweet that tweet is seen by more eyeballs faster. For example, our pinned tweet below illustrates:

  • Who we are.
  • What we do.
  • What to expect when you use our app.
  • Most importantly the link, to get started.

With a Pinned tweet you immediately get the opportunity to lead with your best tweet first. It helps you attract potential clients on twitter or followers who are interested in what you’re selling or tweeting.

We have noticed that with our pinned tweet we have:

  • generated leads
  • converted more sales
  • increased our brand awareness,
  • connected with our audience.

2. If Your Tweet is Longer than 280 Characters Use an Image or Take a Screenshot.

Why you should do this?

Simply because no one whats to read a long tweet. You can also just use an image if you feel that your followers respond better to your tweets in image form. It is a great way to cut through all the tweets and possibly scroll stop potential followers.

3. If you’re on Desktop Use the Twitter Shortcuts.

8 Simple Twitter Tricks and Tips To Try Out Todaysource: statusbrew

Why use This

Simply because time is of the essence and you’ll like a wizkid. If you manage a lot of accounts then you usually use a laptop meaning that these shortcuts will definitely come in handy.

4. Use a Tweet Thread if you want to link your tweets

Why use This

If your message exceeds 280 characters then you may use this method. Some people may not like using an image or a screenshot as in point 2 above because they feel that tweeting per point is better for conversational purposes. What we have noticed is that Tweets usually don’t get lost when you thread them or get taken out of context.

Be very careful though because a long thread may bore people.

5. Spy on Competitors without Following Them

8 Simple Twitter Tricks and Tips To Try Out Today

Make sure you turn the private slider on to make your list private. If it’s public, each competitor will get a notification when you add them. You dont want that.

Why use This

Lists are great because Twitter can be overwhelming and you just want to see what your competitors are up to. Lists help you to keep up with what’s going on in your industry and keeping up with updates. You can also just create a list, containing anyone you may like.

A point to note. Twitter Lists can be public or private. A public list will allow other users to see it on your profile and potentially subscribe to it. However with a private list only you can view it.

Creating a list is great because you can control what you want to see or keep up with certain people. As your Twitter account grows its advisable to start a list. Out twitter account at @Heropost1 is still young so we actually can keep up with our stream.

A point to note is that if you do not like the list you’re on you can contact the list creator and ask them to remove you or you can just go straight for the block.

6. Subscribe to Great Public Lists


8 Simple Twitter Tricks and Tips To Try Out Today



Why use This

It’s an opportunity or an insight to learn what the experts deem as great information. Its an insight into what they may like reading about or is beneficial.  I have learnt a lot from following niche-specific public lists that have a lot of experts sharing valuable knowledge.

A Great and well engaged Public list is the real MVP of twitter. It is probably Twitters best feature in our opinion. The opportunity to learn from industry experts in your chosen field is invaluable. Out of the 8 Simple Twitter Tricks and Tips To Try Out Today we really love this one.

Check out 4 must-have Twitter Lists for social media managers

7. See if you have been added to a list

8 Simple Twitter Tricks and Tips To Try Out Today

Why use This

To see who added you to their list. It’s also a great way to track your brand and to see what people may think of it.

Being added to a list may mean you are doing something right and it may enhance your standing in certain circles. So do not forget to occasionally check this feature out.

8. View Tweets Chronologically

8 Simple Twitter Tricks and Tips To Try Out Today


8 Simple Twitter Tricks and Tips To Try Out Today

Why use This

Simply because, why not! This simple trick is going to save you time. Usually, your twitter becomes extremely cluttered and therefore it becomes difficult to find the latest content shared by the people you are following. This trick eliminates all that.

You want to engage with your followers and the people you are following, therefore, sifting chronologically helps you keep afloat to what is trending right now.

Take Away

Twitter is one of our favourite social media apps because of the information you receive on there. You have the opportunity to learn from the experts and even get immediate feedback without being weird. These 8 Simple Twitter Tricks and Tips To Try Out Today are just a few ways you can make Twitter effective for you.

Be sure to also check out 21 Twitter Post Ideas To Try Today For Your Business.


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